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Monthly Archives: October 2022

  1. Making the Most out of 3D printing in the classroom

    Making the Most out of 3D printing in the classroom


    When the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic hit, 3D printing proved a lifesaver in shortening production chains and providing much-needed medical supplies, like nasopharyngeal swabs and protective face shields, which had quickly become in short supply. Whether or not this momentum carries over post-pandemic is uncertain. The technology has the potential to revolutionize several areas of production where customization is key, from prosthetics to running shoes. Just how to make this transformation a reality, however, is a question organizations of all sizes and industries still grapple with.

    Schools are no exception. 3D printers have been popping up in classrooms across the globe for years, but teachers often have a hard time figuring out what to do with them – let alone how to use the technology to prepare children for future jobs and teach indispensable skills. A global survey into the adoption of 3D printing in educational s

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  2. Grace Stubbs - Why I Chose Flux

    Grace Stubbs - Why I Chose Flux

    "The machine is so easy to set up and use. I previously had a Glowforge which was very user-friendly (but very unreliable, as it broke 5 times in 7 months. So, on my 5th replacement I received a refund!) so I was worried I would find the transition hard as the Flux is a lot bigger and feels more "industrial". The machine is very well built, and sturdy compared to my previous laser, so I am very confident in having this machine support my business!"

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